
When Books Start Talking ...

Books talk with me. It is a sort of emotional journey. Different characters enter and go away. When I think about book reading I think it is a sort of series of emotional changes. When I ask someone a question, Did he like the book? He can plainly answer: Yes or No. But when it is time to answer why? Even expert readers fail to articulate their feelings about the book. I remember asking my friend, why did he like "Alchemist"? And he was blank for a few minutes and then replied in something like flow and characters. When I talked to many readers, I realized it is not story or a particular character, but it has to do with the way relationships among characters evolve over the time. It is how someone establishes relationships with the characters. Endearment with characters and their behavior. Truly speaking these characters becomes your friend and start conversing with you. I typically think that association of language with character can unfold these mysteries of our love for...

Guru, emotions, NLP and more

Guru, Emotions, NLP and More... Sadguru mentioned that Guru is not one who teaches but one who takes away darkness. The person who teaches is the teacher. As per Sadguru - guru throws light on dimensions beyond sensory perceptions. Then what I am writing here is about Guru, Emotions, NLP and More. What is beyond perception? It could be thoughts, emotions. But what does that mean? So finally it boils down to deriving. the meaning. Meaning that is unknown. Like we derive meaning from the words. Experts can derive better meaning. Someone can throw light and deliver hidden meanings. Does that mean that NLP is still in nascent state. Probably yes. We on one side talking about singularity and NLP is still in nascent state. That is very interesting. Then what could be next level of NLP? Can it be just deriving meaning of words? Probably not. It is rather throwing light on every word, association between them and going beyond meaning delivered. After reading Inner Engineering - I could asso...

Cultural Computing to AI and ML

Human expression is an interesting combination of what he perceived so far and the context in which he/she is operating. Is marketing, product presentation – a context manipulation?   Let’s not call it a context manipulation – but rather context creation. When a person is in a particular context he/she tend to make certain decision, or respond in a particular manner. Context has positional significance, cultural significance and also location and time significance. When a person is in group with A, B and C on a particular day and he listens to a news – how is he going to react to that news? It is not just decided by news but by overall context, culture and state of mind of individual. Cultural computing or computational culture is about modeling culture, parametric and non-parametric association and learning based on cultural properties of events and their impacts. Though culture is typically about social behavior it is outcome of our interactions and different scenarios we com...

Cognitive Computing, Cultural Computing and Behavioral Computing

It’s interesting to see that our personality has many facets. The culture impacts on the way we behave or respond to a particular situation. Even culture has great impact on our thinking patterns. Culture is about ideas and behavior of people. Here behavior is typically about the way they do certain things or respond in a particular scenario. Culture can be defined in many ways. It is a field of anthropology. In short culture is the way people behave, interact and network or link with others. Cultural computing deals with computational aspects of culture. That typically means how two cultures are related, computing similarity and differences or even computing impact of one culture on the other culture. It also deals with behavioural impact of culture or individuals. AI and ML based narrative or cultural representative systems can also come under purview of cultural computing. There can be even cross-cultural interactions. It can even deal with building profound und...

Article Two: Thinking about Thinking: Mathematical Modelling of Mind and Meta-Cognition

We discussed in previous article that mind and cognition are two pillars of psychology. Computational and quantitative psychology are two emerging areas in psychology. While there are many health care and behavioural aspects of psychology focused on humanity and social sciences there are equally important quantitative and computational aspects. Computational and Mathematical aspects focus on modelling of mind, modelling of cognition and even systemic modelling of thinking. In this article, we will discuss about mathematical modelling of mind and meta-cognition.   Metacognition is about understanding one’s thought process and senses. As meta word refers it is cognition about cognition. It is awareness about awareness or thinking about thinking. Hence it focuses on understanding or decoding process of cognition. One cannot model mind without understanding process of cognition. When we consider mind as an intelligent agent, it becomes important to understand what is an in...