When Books Start Talking ...
Books talk with me. It is a sort of emotional journey. Different characters enter and go away. When I think about book reading I think it is a sort of series of emotional changes. When I ask someone a question, Did he like the book? He can plainly answer: Yes or No. But when it is time to answer why? Even expert readers fail to articulate their feelings about the book. I remember asking my friend, why did he like "Alchemist"? And he was blank for a few minutes and then replied in something like flow and characters. When I talked to many readers, I realized it is not story or a particular character, but it has to do with the way relationships among characters evolve over the time. It is how someone establishes relationships with the characters. Endearment with characters and their behavior. Truly speaking these characters becomes your friend and start conversing with you. I typically think that association of language with character can unfold these mysteries of our love for...